How to use lmdbdict

The purpose of this package is to make lmbd easier to use. I simply write a high-level wrapper for it, so that you can write and read it just like a python dict.


pip install lmdbdict

or build from master:

pip install git+

!pip install lmdbdict
Requirement already satisfied: lmdbdict in /Users/ruotianluo/github/lmdbdict (0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: lmdb in /Users/ruotianluo/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from lmdbdict) (0.98)

Basic usage

First, import it:

from lmdbdict import lmdbdict

You can instantiate an empty lmdbdict in a “python file” way.

lmdbpath = 'abc.lmdb'
d = lmdbdict(lmdbpath, mode='w')

Similar to files, we support two modes here, read only(‘r’) and write(‘w’). Under read only, you will not able to change the contents of the lmdbdict. Under write mode, if the file doesn’t exist, a new file will be created; if the file already exists, you will be writing upon the saved content (It’s more like ‘a’ mode instead ‘w’ mode in the python file context). You will also be able to read under write mode.

After this point, it will behave similar as a python dict.

# Assign key value pairs
d[1] = 2
d[2] = 3
# get keys
[1, 2]
# get value
# deletion
del d[1]
# values() is not currently supported
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-f3ee7ba2c5f2> in <module>
      1 # values() is not currently supported
----> 2 print(d.values())

~/github/lmdbdict/lmdbdict/ in values(self)
    194     def values(self):
--> 195         raise NotImplementedError
    197     def items(self):


Like files, we also expose flush function, to let the users safely write the data to the disk. You can only flush under write mode.


Delete the lmdbdict instance will also automatically flush if under write mode.

del d

Open the above lmdb in read mode.

d = lmdbdict(lmdbpath, mode = 'r')
# No write under read mode
d[2] = 4
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-bb30fe0eceb5> in <module>
      1 # No write under read mode
----> 2 d[2] = 4

~/github/lmdbdict/lmdbdict/ in __setitem__(self, key, value)
    182     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
--> 183         assert self.mode == 'w', 'can only write item in write mode'
    184         # in fact even key is __len__ it should be fine, because it's dumped in pickle mode.
    185         assert key not in ['__keys__'], \

AssertionError: can only write item in write mode

Customize the dumps and load functions

The lmdb can only save bytes. To support key/values of any type, we use pickle loads and dumps by default to convert the objects into bytes and back.

However, in many cases, pickle may not be the optimal solution if you know what type your keys and values are. So we support customized dumps and loads. You can feed any function you like or use the options we provide.

Note that, only use this if you know what’s going on. First, the dumps needs to output a bytes object. Second, the loads has to be exact invert of dumps, otherwise you can’t retreive the same thing. Thirdly, you need to make sure the dumps and loads work for your keys and values.

Here we provide a simple example:

loads_func = dumps_func = lambda x: x
lmdbpath = 'abcd.lmdb'
d = lmdbdict(lmdbpath, 'w',

The loads and dumps here are identical function, so the keys and values have to be bytes.

d[b'1'] = b'2'

The dumps and loads will also be saved in the lmdb file. When you open an existing lmdb file (generated by lmdbdict), you don’t need to specify the dumps and loads; they will be loaded from the lmdb file.

del d
d = lmdbdict(lmdbpath, 'r')

Instead of raw functions, you can also feed the method names that are already implemented by me. The current options include identity, pyarrow, ascii, utf8, etc.

For example, if you know you keys and values are str, you can then use ascii or utf8, depending on if your string includes unicode characters. (It’s always safer to use utf8).

lmdbpath = 'abcde.lmdb'
d = lmdbdict(lmdbpath, 'w',

or equivalently

# d = lmdbdict(lmdbpath, 'w',
#              key_method='utf8',
#              value_method='utf8')
d['1'] = '2'